Thursday, September 23, 2004

Let the brainwashing continue ...

Let the brainwashing continue …

Remember the Carter-Reagan debates. Every time Jimmy opened his mouth, Ronny would exclaim “There you go again …”

Now we have the Bush-Kerry face off. Every time Johnny opens his mouth, Georgy says
“Flip-flop… he can’t make up his mind … he’s confused …” and on and on in that vein.

This deep (for George) intellectual analysis of his opponent’s position is all we are bound to hear from our President from now until the votes are counted or not counted as the case may be.

Today Donny (Rumsfeld) said an imperfect election (in Iraq) is better than no election at all. Perhaps he is drawing from our American experience of four years ago.

What I hear daily from John Kerry is the same consistent intellectual depth and facility that I first encountered when read his book The New War (published 1997) and discovered that there was a lot more to this man than had been presented to me previously. The New War is an alarming analysis of the security situation that we found ourselves in four years before the 911 attack. As we look back, Senator Kerry at that time possessed 20/20 foresight and all but predicted the situation we face today.

What I hear daily from George W. Bush is the tactic of “muddying the waters”, which is what you are supposed to do when you’ve got nothing else. Bush and his supporters in right-wing squawk-radio grind away on their “flip-flop” theme concerning Kerry, and do a full court press of ridicule against everyone who disagrees with them.

“Folks … you won’t believe, in fact I can’t believe it myself, what John Kerry said this morning! The Kerry campaign just continues to implode!” (Rush Limbaugh’s opening teaser 9/23/04)

The right-wing cheerleaders are telling us what to think everyday of the week with reruns on the weekends in case we’ve missed the point. Rush claims we need only listen to him to get our news. We are discouraged from listening to CNN, CBS, NBC, reading the New York Times, Washington Post, because they are the biased “Liberal Media” who, of course, can’t be trusted. At least Dan Rather admits his mistake. (I suggest that the memos passed to CBS may have been a Republican dirty trick designed to discredit the aforesaid “biased liberal media” and embarrass the Kerry campaign . The memos have not been proven false, just not able to be proven authentic.) George Bush has not and never will admit his numerous mistakes (both in policy and speech). - “I stand behind all my misstatements.”

The playground catcalls (flip-flop, flip-flop, Johnny is a flip-flop) and outright distortions of the facts on the ground both at home and abroad (in Iraq, etc.) constitute the Bush campaign.

Oh gosh, silly me. I forgot the earthshaking issues of gay marriage, “in God we trust” in the pledge of allegiance, the plague of flag-burning, the “abortion holocaust” … all those wedge issues designed to bamboozle the Christian right into ignoring the deep ignorance and incompetence of the present administration and voting for more of the same … “He’s against abortion and those horrible immoral gays and he’s for God!”

We are smarter than this.


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