Friday, October 01, 2004



©2004 Al Chidester

Last night in Dream, I saw Abe Lincoln
Prayin’ down on bended knee
“Lord, help them vote right, in this bold fight,
For Kerry-Edwards and Liberty!

Now is the hour, true patriots must fight
And stand against their perfidy
War reasons not right, we must now fight
For Kerry-Edwards and Security!”

As I predicted, Bush’s one note theme of “Johnny is a Flip-Flop”, now translated to “sender of mixed messages”, is virtually ALL he had to say. Bush’s message is certainly not mixed, just repetitious and of little content. Bush’s apologist spinners harped relentlessly on the same one note theme.

In trying to emphasize his familiarity with foreign leaders and thus his competence in foreign affairs, Bush’s lack of respect for Vladimir Putin was evident. He twice referred to Mr. Putin by his first name only and, claiming to know the Russian leader very well, mispronounced it Vladimer.

George Bush said that what went wrong in Iraq was that we “won the war too quickly”.
What I see is our Commander in Chief mistook the successful deployment of troops into Iraq against a swiftly melting token resistance (what fool would stand and fight against the most powerful nation on the earth) for VICTORY, landed on the USS Lincoln declaring MISSION ACCOMPLISHED and went home in his flight jacket gloating while the resistance gathered for a guerilla style counterattack against the occupier, its allies and Iraqi supporters.

The spoils of war – no-bid contracts for logistical support and rebuilding of the country he destroyed – were passed out to Bush-Cheney supporters and former business associates as a license to steal, and steal they did until the Government Accounting Office blew the whistle. They returned some of the money and faced NO CONSEQUENCES, just as Bush is expecting to face NO CONSEQUENCES for his blundering leadership and execution of an invasion whose success should have been a “slam dunk” had real planning and preparation been done by the ideology-blinded advisers of this know-nothing “elected” American despot.

Wipe that self-satisfied smirk off your face, Mr. President, stop hiding behind your caricature of John Kerry as a “mixed messenger”, and face up to your own serious errors in judgment and core philosophies.

Let’s send this idiot home to Crawford.
Mr. Bush, your village misses you.


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